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New Refugees Are On The Way

We are excited to announce that we have taken action to help a family in need! The wife and mother, who worked for the U.S government in Afghanistan, is eligible for a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) come to the United States with her husband and two small children. As they prepare for the arrival of their new baby, we are rallying the community to help provide a comfortable home for them. You can make a difference by donating money for the purchase of furniture chosen by the family themselves, as well as other essentials that will help them settle. Let's unite as a community and make a positive impact!

Donate Online
by Credit Card

Click the button below to take you to our secure payment processor Affinipay.


You'll have the opportunity to specify a one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift.





Donate by Check

Make your check out to Bristol Friends Meeting, our fiscal sponsor.


Mail to:

​Bucks County Interfaith Coalition for Refugee Resettlement

P.O. Box 6

Newtown, PA 18940




Donor Advised Fund

Employee Match

Please donate to our fiscal sponsor, Bristol  Friends Meeting (tax ID #23-1987547) and include note to grantee that your donation is earmarked for BCICRR.   Mail to: Bristol Friends Meeting, PO Box 6, Newtown, PA  18940​





Helping Hand

What are your donations used for?


For the first few months after a refugee family arrives they need our support for all of their needs--rent, food, warm clothing, transportation, and more.  That's why we need you right now. 


Over time, they get government benefits, their English improves and they get a job, gradually they become more and more independent and less in need of our support until our only role is ongoing friendship



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